Our Vision

A vibrant, relevant church connecting Christ and community

As disciple-makers, we will strive to follow Jesus’ example for our lives, helping others to do the same. 

As leaders, we will be a godly influence on our families, church, and community, believing that this first requires submission of our own lives to God.

As stewards, we will be responsible for the money, time, and abilities given to us, knowing that God expects faithful management of His resources.

As neighbours, we will consider others’ needs ahead of our own, showing compassion to others because God shows compassion to us.

As evangelists, we will share with others the Good News of God’s saving power, presenting our lives as proof of this saving power at work.

As watchmen, we will devote ourselves to prayer, being strengthened in His presence, confident in His authority.

As worshipers, we will keep God at the centre, expressing our love for Him through all we are and all we do